2. Actos de las Instituciones ° Intangibilidad una vez adoptados ° Modificación de la motivación o de la parte dispositiva ° Violación del principio de seguridad jurídica ° Ilegalidad (Tratado CEE, ...
[Traité CEE, art. 85 et suiv. et 190; traité de fusion, art. 17; règlement du Conseil n 17, art. 3, § 1, et 15, § 2, sous a)] 4. Concurrence ° Procédure administrative ° Décision constatant une ...
2. Actos das instituições ° Inalterabilidade após a adopção ° Alteração da fundamentação ou da parte decisória ° Violação do princípio da segurança jurídica ° Ilegalidade (Tratado CEE, artigos 189. e ...
aimed to improve energy efficiency by 20% by 2020 and by 32.5% by 2030 (compared to 1990 levels), and included a requirement for all EU Member States to set national energy efficiency targets to ...
This case regards a dispute over the national scope of the European patent resolved by the Landgericht München (hereinafter ‘the Court of First Instance’). A company domiciled in the United States ...
Consult, by year and by month, the number of legal acts adopted in a given month as well as those repealed and expired in a given month. For adopted acts, both those in force and those no longer in ...
(*1)  Plăți intermediare rambursate statului membru pentru exercițiul financiar; includ sumele negative declarate în exercițiul financiar 2023. Aceste sume negative au fost sau vor fi compensate de ...
Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2023/2841 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 December 2023 laying down measures for a high common level of cybersecurity at the institutions, bodies, offices ...
Climate change and environmental degradation are an existential threat to Europe and the world. To overcome these challenges, the European Green Deal will transform the European Union (EU) into a ...
The agreement will create significant economic opportunities for companies, farmers, consumers, and protect workers and the environment through far-reaching, enforceable provisions on sustainable ...
2. Institutionernes retsakter ° aendring efter vedtagelse ikke tilladt ° aendring af begrundelsen eller den dispositive del ° tilsidesaettelse af retssikkerhedsprincippet ° ulovligt (EOEF-traktaten, ...
2018 m. rugpjūčio 9 d. raštu Komisijos vidaus audito tarnyba atsisakė leisti ieškovei susipažinti su prašomu dokumentu. Šis atsisakymas iš esmės buvo grindžiamas Reglamento Nr. 1049/2001 4 straipsnio ...